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Resume of Yanzhu Guo

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-07

Resume of Yanzhu Guo

Curriculum Vitae

Yanzhu Guo, Ph.D.

Institute of Light Industry and Chemical Engineering,Dalian Polytechnic University, Room 209, Chemical Building, Gan Jingzi District, Qing Gongyuan 1#, Dalian 116034, P. R. China.

Phone: +86-411-8632-3327-602; Cell Phone: +86-151-6403-3963, Fax: +86-411-8632-3936

Email: guoyz@dlpu.edu.cn

Personal Information                                        

Date of birth: April 11th, 1984

Gender: Female


Work Experience                                            

2013-present  Lecturer in Dalian Polytechnic University (Dalian, China)

Major in Pulp and Paper Engineering, Institute of Light Industry and Chemical Engineering



2010-2013      Ph.D. in Pulp and Paper Engineering (Guangzhou,China)

Institute of Light Industry and Food, South China University of Technology

Supervisor: Dr. Runcang Sun

Research topic: Preparation, characterization and application of nanomicelles self-assembled from amphiphilic cellulose polymers


2007-2010      M.S. in Pulp and Paper Engineering (Jinan,China)

Institute of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering, Shandong Polytechnic University

Supervisor: Dr. Menghua Qin

Research topic: Effect of alkaline peroxide treatment on the fibre charge and lignin structure of P-RC APMP and CTMP


2003-2007      B.S. in Light Chemical Engineering (Jinan,China)

Institute of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering, Shandong Polytechnic University

Thesis: Oxygen delignification of wheat straw NaOH-AQ pulp with polyoxometalates as catalyzer (supervised by Professor Fangong Kong)


Research Experience                                         

Preparation of nanomicelles from amphiphilic cellulose polymers and their utilization in the drug delivery, bioimaging or sensor for explosives.

Focused on (1) Synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic cellulose polymers in ionic liquids, such as cellulose-graft-poly(lactide), cellulose-graft-poly(ε-caprolactone), etc; (2) Preparation and characterization of nanomicelles from amphiphilic cellulose derivatives through self-assembly; (3) Utilization of cellulose-based nanomicelles in the carrier for hydrophobic anticancer drugs, e.g. paclitaxel; (4) Encapsulation of fluorescent polymers into cellulose-based nanomicelles for sensing trace explosives in aqueous solution; (5) Encapsulation of fluorescent quantum dots into cellulose-based nanomicelles for bioimaging.


Fractionation of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin from biomass.

  Focused on (1) Complete dissolution and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass using new green solvents(2) Delignification mechanism of Populus during auto-catalyzed ethanol organosolv pretreatment; (3) The new pretreatment strategy to convert biomass into ethanol.


High-value application of waste papers.

Focused on (1) The preparation and characterization of fluorescent dyes from waste papers(2) The .microcrystalline cellulose with a homogenous size and morphology from waste papers.


Projects Conducting                                          

1.       Design of Drug Delivery System for Antitumor Components in Traditional Chinese Medicine with Nanomicelles Self-assembled from Amphiphilic Cellulose Derivatives (National Natural Science Foundation of China, No 31500493).

2.       Molecular Design and Performance Evaluation of Cellulose-based Nanomicelles as Carriers for Herbicides in Aqueous Solution (The Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Papermaking Engineering, South China University of Technology, No 201312).

3.       Study on the Fabrication of Cellulose-based Self-assembled Nanomicelles and their Application in the Field of High-valued Cosmetics Additives (The Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education of China, Qilu University of Technology, No 08031338).

4.       The Scheme Forming Nanomicelles from Cellulose-based Amphiphilic Polymers (Young Foundation of Dalian Polytechnic University, No QNJJ201323).

5.       Design of Drug Delivery System for Antitumor Components in Traditional Chinese Medicine with Nanomicelles Self-assembled from Amphiphilic Cellulose Derivatives (Liaoning Educational Common Scientific Research ProjectNo L2015044).



1. Yanzhu Guo, Li Zhang, Haiming Li, Ying Han, Jinghui Zhou*, Xiaohui Wang*, Self-assembly and paclitaxel loading capacity of α-tocopherol succinate-conjugated hydroxyethyl cellulose nanomicelle, Colloid and Polymer Science, 2016, 294(1): 135-143

2. Li Zhang, Yanzhu Guo*, Jinghui Zhou, Guangwei Sun, Ying Han*, Xiaohui Wang, Synthesis and characterization of cellulose-graft-poly(p-dioxanone) copolymers via homogeneous ring-opening graft polymerization in ionic liquids, BioResources, 2016, 11(1): 2698-2711

3. Yanzhu Guo, Jinghui Zhou*, Jialong Wen, Guangwei Sun, Yijia Sun, Structural transformations of triploid of Populus tomentosa Carr. lignin during auto-catalyzed ethanol organosolv pretreatment, Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 76: 522-529

4. YanzhuGuo, LiZhang, XingWang, YingHan, JinghuiZhou*. Synthesis, characterization and self-assembly behavior of cellulose-g-PCL amphiphilic copolymers, Polymer Materials and Engineering, 2015, 31(8): 16-21

5. Wenjiao Ge#Yanzhu Guo#*, Haoquan Zhong, Xiaohui Wang*, Runcang Sun, Synthesis, characterization, and micellar behaviors of hydroxyethyl cellulose-graft-poly (lactide/ε-caprolactone/p-dioxanone), Cellulose, 2015, 22(4): 2365-2374

6. Yanzhu Guo, Qili Liu, Hui Chen, Xiaohui Wang*, Zuguang Shen, Xuancai Shu, Runcang Sun*, Direct grafting modification of pulp in ionic liquids and self-assembly behavior of the graft copolymers, Cellulose, 2013, 20(2): 873-884

7. Yanzhu Guo, Xiaohui Wang*, Zuguang Shen, Xuancai Shu, Runcang Sun*, Preparation of cellulose-graft-poly(ε-caprolactone) nanomicelles by homogeneous ROP in ionic liquid, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92(1): 77-83

8. Yanzhu Guo, Xiaohui Wang*, Xuancai Shu, Zuguang Shen, Runcang Sun*, Self-Assembly and Paclitaxel Loading Capacity of Cellulose-graft-poly(lactide) Nanomicelles, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60(15): 3900-3908

9. Yanzhu Guo, Xiaohui Wang*, Dong Li, Hong Du, Xiaoying Wang, Runcang Sun*, Synthesis and characterization of hydrophobic long-chain fatty acylated cellulose and its self-assembled nanoparticles, Polymer Bulletin, 2012, 69(4): 389-40

10. Xiaohui Wang*, Yanzhu Guo, Dong Li, Hui Chen, Runcang Sun. Fluorescent amphiphilic cellulose nanoaggregates for sensing trace explosives in aqueous solution. Chemical Communications, 2012, 48(45): 5569-5571.


Conference Posters                                          

1. Yanzhu Guo, Jinming Zhang, Lu Wang, Wenjiao Ge, Meiwan Chen, Xiaohui Wang, Runcang Sun. Preparation of fluorescent core/shell nanoparticles from amphiphilic cellulose-based copolymers for tumor cell imaging, 3nd Symposium on Innovative Polymer for Controlled Delivery: p132, Suzhou, 2014, September.

2. Yanzhu Guo, Xiaohui Wang, Zuguang Shen, Xuancai Shu, Hui Chen, Runcang Sun. Synthesis and solution behaviors of amphiphilic cellulose derivatives. Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology ICPPB’12, VOL. I: p189-194, Nanjing, 2012, November 7-9.

3. Yanzhu Guo, Xiaohui Wang, Runcang Sun. Cellulose-based self-assembled nanoparticles for antitumor drug delivery. 2nd Symposium on Innovative Polymer for Controlled Delivery: p197, Suzhou, 2012, September 11-14.

4. Yanzhu Guo, Dong Li, Xiaohui Wang, Runcang Sun. Study on the synthesis and self-assembly behavior of hydrophobically modified hydroxyethyl cellulose. 16th International Symposium on WoodFiber and Pulping Chemistry-Proceedings, VOL. I: p432-435, Tianjin, 2011, June 8-10.


Honors and Awards                                         

2012 Excellent doctoral funding in South China University of Technology

2010 Excellent student, Excellent graduate in Shandong Polytechnic University

2007 Excellent graduate in Shandong Polytechnic University


Other Informations                                           

Operation ability: TEM, AFM, SEM, FT-IR, TG, DLS, PL, etc.

Data analysis ability: NMR, GPC, TEM, AFM, SEM, FT-IR, TG, PL, etc.

Software: Office, Origin, Endnote, Nanoscope, ChemDraw, ACD Labs, OPUS, etc.

