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Resume of Sun Zhen

来源: 添加时间: 2021-06-01


    Zhen Sun is a China-born lecturer of Biotechnology at Dalian Polytechnic University. She received her B.Sc. in Chemistry from Zhejiang University in 2008 and her PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has been worked in Dalian Polytechnic University since Sep, 2014.

   She focuses on the academic researches of bioanalysis and proteomics. She mainly teaches the following courses: Scientific English and information retrieval, Proteomics, Beer analysis, Wine analysis and Modern bioanalytical techniques.

She participated in many scientific projects, and now presides several projects, including Natural Sciences Foundation of China (31601458), Science and Technology Research General Project of Education Department of Liaoning (L2015049), Research Initiation Funding for PhDs of Liaoning (201601272).

Sun has published more than 20 papers in the journals, such as Analytical Chemistry, Proteomic, Journal of Proteome Research, Journal of Proteome, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and so on, among which she was the first author in 7 papers.

The number of Sun’s office is +86-411-86318692, and her email is sunzhen@dlpu.edu.cn.
