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来源: 添加时间: 2021-05-14

Examination Discipline for International Students


Article 1 The students should enter the exam-room 15 minutes in advance, and take a seat as arranged. Those who do not follow the seating arrangement would be regarded as violating the rules. Those who are late for 15 minutes without any excuse, shall not allowed to take the on-going exam and would be treated as being absent for the examination. Students are allowed to hand in the exam paper and leave only after 60 minutes with the permission of invigilator.


Article 2 The students should take passport or the student card when they enter the exam-rooms. After taking the seat, the students should check the desk and the drawer, and hand in things related to examination. Books, bags, notebooks and things related to examination should be laid in the designated place. A Passport or student’s  card, necessary stationery, and designated tools are allowed to put on the desk. Scratch paper is not allowed to be used during the exam. Please do necessary calculation on the back of exam paper.


Article 3 The student should not take the mobiles, smart watches, and other electronic communication equipment or electronic storage device into the exam-room. The student must prepare all tools for exam. It is not allowed to borrow designated tools without permission when exam is going-on. The offenders should be treated as violating disciplines or cheating on exams.


Article 4 The examination paper should be clean and clear. Class and name are required to write on the paper as soon as possible. The student must put the answers down in black roller ball pen. The examination paper of the students who use red pen or pencil, or didn’t write the class or name shall be regarded as invalid paper and graded zero. If the handwriting is so illegible that the teachers fail to recognize the answers, the examinee is responsible for any consequences.


Article 5 The examinee should complete the exam paper independently in the stated time.Whisper to each other, or look at each other’s paper, or carry the scrip secretly, or transfer the scrip, or plagiarize or exchange the answers, or carry the examination paper out of the exam-room are forbidden. If breaking the rules, the offenders would be treated as violating disciplines or cheating on exams.


Article 6 Before handing in the examination paper, the examinees are not allowed to leave in advance. After handing in the examination paper, the examinees should leave the exam room immediately instead of looking at others’ papers or staying in the room or talking at a nearby place. When time is up, the examinees should stop writing immediately and stay at the seat. The examinees are allowed to leave the exam-room only after all examination papers are collected and counted.


Article 7 The students must attend all the examinations as stipulated. Those who cannot take the exam due to illness or special difficulties should submit a written application (If they are ill, a certificate with a signature of doctor from the hospital must be provided). After suggestions are written down on the application, the students may postpone the examination after application is approved by the International Office.


Article 8 The students who asks others for replacement in the exams or replaces others in exam shall be regarded as cheating on exams. The offenders shall be asked to leave exam room by invigilators and ordered to quit school.


Article 9 The restudying students would not have separate exam rooms. They are required to show the admission ticket for restudying, and passport/ student’s card.


Article 10 If any behaviors of violating disciplines or cheating on exam happened, offenders will be punished according to “the Punishments for Violating Disciplines and Cheating on Exams”






